Elizabeth Martinez, M.Ed., LCPAA
About the Director
Elizabeth Martinez is an experienced bilingual interventionist, crisis counselor, mediator and educator who has worked with high risk ("at-promise") youth for over 20 years. She has extensive experience in program development, management and evaluation.
Mrs. Martinez's work includes local government agencies, public schools, non-profits, grassroots start-ups and faith-based organizations, working with gangs, pregnant and parenting teens, dropouts, foster care and refugee and immigrant youth and families.
Elizabeth has worked in the US, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Peru, Bahrain, Russia and Tanzania. She holds a B.A. in Sociology and an M.Ed. in Educational Psychology from the University of Houston and hopes to open an alternative school for at-promise youth in the near future.
Our Story
At-Promise Youth Solutions officially launched in 2009 and took its name from our late friend, mentor and fellow youth worker, Max Torres. Max often said that he preferred to use the term "at-promise youth", rather than "at-risk", because he felt that they were just on the brink of their promise with a great hope and future set before them...if they could make it there. We lovingly borrow the term from him and honor his memory with our work.
We started with just a few clients and families needing the kind of specialized intervention that most traditional counselors and therapists just don't do. Since the early days, we have grown in our work with at-promise youth. We contract with individuals, families, schools, churches, non-profits and faith-based organizations.